Proprietary Strategies for Investors

A Proven Partner

Christopher Todd is a proven, experienced developer in the growing BTR sector. It’s rare to find this level of experience in BTR, as the industry has a myriad of new entrants into the space. Christopher Todd was there at the beginning and has influenced and grown with the expansion of the industry.

Seize the Opportunity

Our experience, process, and approach provide the right roadmap to seize the growing opportunity while adapting to changing market conditions and changing trends.

Accelerate the Course

Through years of deep market expertise and stronger relationships with landowners, municipalities, operators, and builders, we understand how to quickly accelerate opportunities while providing certainty of execution.

Amplify Results

In total, our experience, team, and proven playbook amplify results and return on capital.

Market Case for BTR

The BTR demand is driven largely by a growing preference for rental housing over homeownership, a lack of affordable housing options, and demographic shifts such as an increase in millennials entering the housing market. Additional key market drivers for our BTR hybrid solution:

  1. Developing a low density, quality development package that appeals to municipalities
  2. Availability of institutional capital for development of BTR
  3. Access to Agency Financing for stabilized properties, enhancing liquidity and valuations

Key Trends Driving The Increasing Demand For Our Brand

Key Demographic Shifts

Build-To-Rent attracts a cross section of all demographics, multi-cultural and multi-generational

Gen Z – 31.7%

Born 1997–2015

Millennial – 35.1%

Born 1981–1996

Gen X – 16.9%

Born 1965–1980

Baby Boomer – 12.7%

Born 1946–1964

Silent Gen – 2.9%

Born 1928–1945

Christopher Todd Communities was one of the early entrants into the Built-To-Rent space and the organization has mastered its art. The product is efficient, private, and lives well. The community layout is terrific and allows for recreation and interaction. And most importantly, they take care of their residents. Christopher Todd Communities sets the standard in the space.

Tim Sullivan

Zonda Senior Managing Principal

Partnership Options

Being a visionary BTR developer, we offer a streamlined path for both institutional and
private capital investors to enter or expand within this growing asset class. With a wealth
of experience, a comprehensive approach, and an expert team, we are collaborating with
partners to seize the opportunities within the expanding BTR market.