Indoor Plants That Boost Health & Wellness

Many of us maintain house plants because they smell wonderful and beautify our indoor spaces. But did you know some types of houseplants can actually improve our overall health and wellness? It’s true! In this post, we’ll cover a few of the plants that can generally improve your sense of well-being throughout the house.

Spider Plant

You can’t smell them, but your home could be full of airborne toxins that irritate your skin and eyes and may even cause respiratory issues. Two of these common toxins are formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. Thankfully, you don’t have to live with them anymore—just buy a spider plant!

Spider plants are great at removing all sorts of toxins, effectively keeping your home as fresh and clean as possible. Plus, they’re super easy to care for. They grow in any type of soil and only need to be watered occasionally.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years to soothe irritated skin. It’s the go-to treatment for sunburns, frostbite, psoriasis, cold sores, and much more. But instead of buying a big container of aloe the next time you have a skin issue, consider getting an aloe vera plant.

The gel-like substance in the inner part of the leaf has tons of skin benefits. The only downside is that aloe plants require quite a bit of water, so don’t forget to neglect your plant.


If you’re feeling stressed out by work, school, or something else consider getting a few lavender plants for your home. Lavender is commonly used in soaps, candles, skin creams, and bath salts for its wonderful aroma and stress-relieving properties.

We recommend getting at least one lavender plant for your bedroom. Catching a whiff of lavender before crawling under the covers can reduce restlessness and help you fall into a deeper sleep.

Lavender is similar to aloe vera in that it requires deep watering and plenty of sunshine. However, they don’t like being watered too frequently, so aim to water them when the soil is nearly dry.

English Ivy

If you’re worried about mold growing in your home, an English ivy plant is for you. These crawling vines can reduce up to 94 percent of the airborne mold particles known to trigger allergies and cause breathing issues.

English ivy plants are perfect for bedrooms because they can improve your respiratory system and help you sleep through the night. They also don’t like direct sunlight, so they tend to do well in dark bedrooms.

Keep in mind that these plants are poisonous, so keep them far away from children and pets.

Snake Plant

Also known as the “mother-in-law’s tongue,” snake plants are another well-known air purifier. Along with converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, they can remove trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, and xylene from your indoor air.

You’ll want to purchase up to eight waist-high snake plants to get the best results. But don’t worry, these plants require very little water and are super easy to care for.


You’ll find rosemary in all sorts of recipes because of its good taste, and it’s commonly used in folk medicine because it’s thought to support cognitive health by boosting our memory power.

Put your potted rosemary in bright sunlight for best results, and be sure to keep it watered evenly throughout the summer growing season.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are popular because of their beautiful white flowers. But they’re not just good to look at—they absorb all sorts of dangerous airborne toxins. Since they’re a flowering plant, peace lilies also produce a wonderful floral scent.

These flowers can survive in any type of lighting, but they do best when they’re in a slightly shady room.

Boston Fern

A humid environment makes for an uncomfortable home. In addition to making your skin feel damp and somewhat sticky, humidity makes breathing difficult for some folks with pre-existing respiratory issues.

The best way to get rid of that humidity without paying for an expensive dehumidifier is to place a few Boston ferns throughout your home. Along with reducing the humidity level, Boston ferns absorb some of those toxins mentioned above, making your home even fresher.

Boston ferns prefer indirect sunlight and soil that’s always moist. Additionally, they do best in cool rooms where the temperature is between 50 and 80 percent.

A Happy and Healthy Life Begins at Christopher Todd Communities!

Purchasing any of the houseplants above will go a long way in boosting your overall well-being. But to ensure you live your best life, move into one of our Christopher Todd Communities. From expansive community greenspaces to fenced-in private backyards, we provide everything nature-lovers need to thrive. Better yet, all of our horizontal-living homes have plenty of space for your houseplants.

Schedule a tour of one of our communities today and find out for yourself how we provide A New Way to Live®!

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Christopher Todd

Christopher Todd Communities creates neighborhoods and communities for people to enjoy, share, and live. Here, you’ll find luxury, single-story, rental homes in gated, planned communities that are professionally managed. These come complete with amenities designed for socializing, energizing, for peace of mind, and even for pets.