The Importance of Home During Crises

These are unprecedented times.

Finding ways to cope and manage emotional stress is being explored by many. What we have heard at Christopher Todd Communities is how important “Home” is right now.
“A place to call home” during the pandemic was understood. What we understand now, while very different circumstances, the sense of peace, security, and calm is equally important.

The true meaning of home is a safe haven and a comfort zone. A place to live with our families and pets and enjoy with friends. A place to build memories. A place where we can truly just be ourselves.

When disaster strikes, people band together and put away their differences. Helping each other to survive and thrive builds stronger ties than anything we form during normal conditions. Socialization and privacy are high on the list during stressful times. And stress is even more prevalent during these uncertain times.

There are many healthy ways to cope with stress such as:

• Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to the News
• Take breaks from social media
• Take care of yourself – eat healthy and get plenty of sleep
• Take care of your mind – deep breaths and meditate
• Exercise regularly – take walks
• Get some fresh air
• Go people watching
• Try things that are social such as barbecues or concerts in the park
• Take pets for walks
• Reach out to neighbors and share stories
• Connect with your community or faith based organizations

Avoid drugs and alcohol. Try a new activity or hobby.

At Christopher Todd Communities the “stress reducers” are all in place. We have built more than just groupings of homes or apartment like living. We invested more to bring HOME life to our residents. And our programmed lifestyle and amenities add the value that people are searching for. Home means security – comfort – and peaceful. Not having anyone above or below you give our residents a noise free environment. Having a pool, fitness center, wellness walks, and maintenance free living, all outside the front door is exactly the day-to-day prescriptions people are craving.

What is even more attractive about living at one of our communities is the neighbors. We attract a very diverse demographic which encourages healthy exchanges between people in their 20’s and those in their 70’s. When you look for your special home, we encourage you to look beyond the four walls. Look for the added value of those stress reducing activities right outside your home. Can you find a place to meditate and enjoy the serenity of the day? Are there people to engage with? Is your pet able to enjoy their lifestyle? Do you feel safe, peaceful, and happy? We sure hope so.

We pray for peace for our world and are committed to continually providing A New Way To Live for our residents.

Written By

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Carrie Martz

Carrie Martz is the Chief Branding Officer for Christopher Todd Communities and is responsible for creating maximum value for the brand, with residents and our owners. In her spare time, Carrie is committed to making the world a better place through her philanthropic and nonprofit support.